Surly Announces 2021 Darkness Artist

Surly Announces 2021 Darkness Artist

From Surly:

We have a Darkness Artist!

After judging entries from dozens of highly qualified artists and illustrators, we’ve found a successor to 2020 Darkness Artist Barbara Guttman.

Congratulations to Justin Bergo, our 2021 Darkness Artist!

Here’s a little more about him in his own words.

“I’m Justin Bergo and I’m a freelance artist working out of Mankato. I was born and raised in Minnesota, wandering creeks and ravines, always imagining the unseen beast in the shadows. I’ve wanted to draw monsters for a living ever since I got my first Dungeons & Dragons book. The idea of being able to work and create with Surly is a dream. Ten years ago my brother picked me up from the airport and he said the fateful words, ‘They have a keg of Darkness at the Blue Door Pub.’ We ate, we drank, and then he showed me the bottle art. I was blown away. I knew I needed to draw for Surly after that.”

Justin will be designing all of the coming year’s Darkness beers—the original, the variants, and next year’s Barrel-Aged version. We look forward to turning him loose.

(And watch stores next week for Barbara Guttman’s Darkness swan song, as 2021 Barrel-Aged Darkness arrives.)

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