During These Stressful Times You May Be Asking Does Insurance Cover Therapy

During These Stressful Time, You May Be Asking Does Insurance Cover TherapyIt’s been a really challenging two months for pretty much everyone in the world, and while some are experience Covid-19 health issues, others are experiencing job loss, financial stress or even relationship damage.

Whether it’s the feelings of isolation brought about by being alone in quarantine, the anxiety of being separated from loved ones, or the stress brought about by too many people sharing a small space; we can all agree that this has been a mentally challenging time period. Naturally this stress is taking it’s toll on people physically and more likely mentally.

Feelings of isolation, anxiety and stress are being compounded by job and financial uncertainty and at the end of the day, just paying the bills and putting food on the table can be a challenge.

First and most important, there is help available and you should seek out help. Whether this is personal therapy or marriage counseling, there are many resources available that can help. I’m aware that there may be some hesitation to have to pay for therapy in these financially stressful times, so I did some checking.

Naturally you’re asking yourself, is therapy covered by insurance, and I was too. After a quick check, the answer at least for my health insurance, is yes. My health insurance covered all sorts of options for therapy and they actually made it easy to get help. With all sorts of options available and a clear process to get help, there’s no reason to not seek out help, especially now.

So if you’re asking yourself, does insurance cover therapy, the answer is yes. Be sure to check with your insurance company and see for yourself; and always remember that assistance is available and do not be afraid to ask for help.

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