Avery Releasing Barrel-Aged Series №. 55: Old Grumbler 10/25

Avery Releasing Barrel-Aged Series №. 55: Old Grumbler 10/25From Avery:

№. 55 in our Barrel-Aged Series has begrudgingly arrived. Meet Old Grumbler, a blend of 12-month and 24-month Rum Barrel-Aged Imperial Old Ales. He’s not so pleased to meet you, but we’re pretty excited to introduce you to him!

Old Grumbler began in the back of the rows of our barrel-aging facility, where our brewers decided to keep two batches of Old Ale in their rum barrels just a little longer. Then a little longer became a lot longer. When our brewers finally pulled the nails on these barrels, they found a big and boozy Imperial Old Ale that matured exceptionally well.

Old Grumbler has a sweet, port-like quality developed from the lengthy barrel-aging process. This high ABV beer weighs in at about 17% ABV, and deserves a decadent dessert pairing.

Unlike the label suggests, Old Grumbler was definitely worth the wait. Just make sure you stay off his lawn.

Old Grumbler will be available in the Avery Tap Room and Restaurant and in select liquor stores across the country beginning on Friday, October 25.

Learn more about our Barrel-Aged Series here: https://www.averybrewing.com/beers/barrel-aged-series.

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