Carton Working On Nitro Light, Vild Bits, O.W.C. Blossom, O.W.C. Context 1, O.W.C. Appose 1, When They Said Sit Down We Stood Up, Andres, Ipgasm, Chekhov’s Gun, 077NY. O.W.C. Appose II, Larry & Sweet Cream Ale
Find this first on This is a new can coming from Carton Brewing in Atlantic Highlands, NJ. This is Nitro Light & Sweet Cream Ale and it will be an ale with coffee added. The beer will hit 6%-AbV & 20 IBU and you’re looking at the 16oz can. I’ve also added in Vild Bits 2019 mixed fermentation ale (Mishiguene Cocina De Immigrants, Intersect By Lexus NY, 6%-AbV, 16.9oz bottles), O.W.C. Blossom 2019 blended mixed ferment ale (5.9%-AbV, 16.9oz bottles), O.W.C. Context 1 Foeder-aged sour ale with blueberries (8.5%-AbV, 16.9oz bottles), O.W.C. Appose 1 mixed ferment blended ale (7.6%-AbV, 16.9oz bottles), When They Said Sit Down They Stood Up NJ IPA imperial IPA (16oz cans, Lawson’s Finest collaboration, Kolsch yeast, 8.4%-AbV), Andres highland weisse charred watermelon and spearment sour ale (3.9%-AbV, 16oz cans), Ipgasm mixed fermentation ale 2019 (16.9oz bottles, 3.9%-AbV), Chekhov’s Gun quad ale aged in Brandy barrels 2019 (15%-AbV, 16.9oz bottles), 077NY east coast DIPA (7.8%-AbV, 80 IBU, 16oz cans), O.W.C. Appose II mixed ferment blended ale 2019 (7.6%-AbV, 16.9oz bottles), Larry highlander Wiess sour ale with salted cantaloupe (3.9%-AbV, 16oz cans) & 077NYC east coast double IPA (7.8%-AbV, 80 IBU, 16oz cans).

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