Upper Hand Apricottage, Wave Wife, PFD Pils, Lime Light & Yellow Hex Coming To Boatload Brewer’s Series Cans / Next Up / Lumen
This morning we have several new cans coming to the Boatload Brewer’s Series from Upper Hand Brewery (aka Bell’s Brewery) in Escabana Series. These beers are designed by different brewers at Upper Hand and today we have Apricottage by Jesse Herman - kettle-soured blonde ale with peach and apricot (6.5%-AbV). Wave Wife by Whitney Maloney - blackberry wit beer (5%-AbV), PFD Pils by Eric Colbrook (5%-AbV), Lime Light lager brewed with lime (4.2%-AbV, 12oz cans), Lumen India-style pale lager (6.9%-AbV) & Yellow Hex by Evan Garrett - gose-style ale with lemon, lemongrass and salt (4%-AbV). These are all 12oz cans and stay tuned for more.
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