Red Hare Launches In Central Florida

Red Hare Launches In Central Florida
From Red Hare:
Red Hare Brewing Company of Marietta, Georgia has announced that they will begin distributing in the Central Florida counties of Flagler, Volusia, Brevard, Osceola, Polk, Seminole, Orange, and Lake. Further distribution has been made possible thanks to a new partnership with Sunshine State Distributing in Florida.

Grapefruit SPF 50/50, Tangerine SPF 50/50, Rewired IPA, Soft J IPA and Classic Pilsner are the beers that will be distributed in the specific counties.

Sunshine State Director of Sales and Marketing, Joe Martin, states “We’re very excited to partner with the entire team at Red Hare Brewing Company. Their well-rounded team has built Red Hare into one of the top selling breweries in the Southeast, and we couldn’t be more pleased to work with them to bring their quality craft brands to the Florida market. Their high quality craft beers and refreshing SPF Radler brands are a welcome addition to Florida, and we feel the consumers in the state will be as excited to get these beers in their hands as we are.”

Red Hare has begun launching distribution in Florida and will be available in many locations beginning in March. Details on specific retailers to come.

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