Anheuser-Busch Celebrates The Repeal Of Prohibition-Era Beer Laws in Oklahoma

Anheuser-Busch Celebrates The Repeal Of Prohibition-Era Beer Laws in OklahomaFrom Anheuser-Busch:

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (October 1, 2018) – In celebration of the repeal of Prohibition-era beer laws in Oklahoma that prevented beer greater than 3.2% ABV from being sold in select off-premise locations, the Budweiser Clydesdales and hitch commemorated the moment by symbolically delivering cold, full-strength beer to the Oklahoma Capitol. The delivery is reminiscent of the Budweiser Clydesdale delivery of beer in 1933 to President Roosevelt to celebrate the repeal of Prohibition.
“As of today, Oklahomans have more than 125 Anheuser-Busch full-strength beer brands available at their favorite grocery, convenience or liquor store,” said Jason Hall, senior director of Anheuser-Busch Sales of Oklahoma. “Anheuser-Busch Sales of Oklahoma has been in Oklahoma for more than 30 years, and we have more than 700 team members across the state serving our communities and neighbors. This is the first time since statehood that Oklahoma has allowed cold, full-strength beer sales, and we’re excited to help pull back those Prohibition-era beer laws.”
Oklahoma voters passed State Question 792, the beer modernization bill, in 2016. Since that historic vote, Oklahomans have been eagerly awaiting cold, full-strength beer sales. In preparation, Anheuser-Busch Sales of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Beer Alliance worked to prepare consumers and retailers for a smooth transition.

“For the first time in state history, Oklahoma has cold, full-strength beer sales because of Oklahoma voters, the legislative champions of State Question 792 and the ABLE Commission,” said Lisette Barnes, president of the Oklahoma Beer Alliance. “Over the past two years, our beer distributor members prepared to meet consumer demand by expanding their warehouses and operations. They also held summits and provided detailed information to retailers about the new licensing and training requirements to ensure a smooth transition to cold, full-strength beer.”

Kansas and Colorado will soon join Oklahoma in allowing the sale of strong beer, leaving Utah and Minnesota as the only states still following the decades old restrictions.
Anheuser-Busch Sales of Oklahoma recently expanded their facility in Tulsa and brought more than 30 new strong beer brands to meet consumer demand. The brewer is happy to celebrate with all Oklahomans today as the state embraces modern beer laws that will help the Oklahoma beer industry and entire state grow.


For more than 165 years, Anheuser-Busch and its world-class brewmasters have carried on a legacy of brewing America’s most popular beers. Starting with the finest ingredients sourced from Anheuser-Busch’s family of growers, every batch is crafted using the same exacting standards and time-honored traditions passed down through generations of proud Anheuser-Busch brewmasters and colleagues. Anheuser-Busch owns and operates 22 breweries, 20 distributorships and 22 agricultural and packaging facilities, employing more than 18,000 people across the United States. For more information, visit


The Oklahoma Beer Alliance is a pro-business organization of beer distributors and brewers with a mission to support responsible and safe alcohol laws for Oklahomans and encourage standardization to bring cold, strong beer to our state. Through standardization of Oklahoma beer laws, we will be able to offer a wider variety of products, many of which are currently available to consumers in most other states. Our membership consists of Oklahoma businesses that have invested in the state, responsibly sell, service, and maintain the quality of alcohol products sold in the state. This commitment drives us to advocate for pro-business, common sense laws that will unburden Oklahoma businesses and give the state’s residents freedom of choice and quality beer.

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