Stone Requests Dismissal Of Miller Counterclaims

Stone Requests Dismissal Of Miller CounterclaimsFrom Stone:

  1. Last year, for the first time in your history, Keystone abandoned its Colorado heritage and separated the “Key” on its Keystone beer cans. You also removed the mountains. And then created a huge campaign to advertise yourself as “STONE”.

  2. We at Stone consider this a hijacking of our brand. STONE® is an incontestable federal trademark. It’s been used on every single one of our Stone bottles and cans for more than two decades.

  3. Perhaps those in your marketing department have considered the rebranding on our name as “friendly competition.” To us it feels like a home invasion. And consumers agree: Keystone’s / @MillerCoors' actions are confusing, and frankly, come off as downright hostile.

    1. Meanwhile, we’ll go back to poking fun at American light lagers. And Keystone can go back to suggesting loving craft beer is… weird or something? That’s akin to Nerf gun shots over back fences. Those bounce off without leaving a mark, and can even be a bit fun.

      All we ask is that you adhere to the spirit of your own message and #PutTheKeyBackInKeystone.

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