New Belgium The Hemperor HPA Coming To Cans & Bottles w/Hemp

New Belgium The Hemporer HPA Coming To Bottles w/Hemp

We brought you the first peek at this beer, and now we’re bringing you the full bottle packaging first too.  This is The Hemperor from New Belgium brewing in Fort Collins, CO & Asheville, NC.  This HPA is brewed with hemp and hops and it will smoke in at 7%-AbV.  New Belgium The Hemperor HPA Coming To Bottles w/HempThis is the 12oz bottle and stay tuned for May 2018 release and distribution details.  We also have the 12oz and 16oz cans.New Belgium The Hemporer Cansimage

New Belgium The Hemporer CansNew Belgium The Hemporer CansThis from New Belgium:

The Hemperor HPA

Get ready: an exciting new offering that’ll change the way you think about hoppy beers is coming your way. The brewers at New Belgium have created a new style of IPA: The Hemperor HPA. With the popularity of hoppy beers, our brewers are always on the lookout for different hop varieties and the complexities and flavors new strains can bring. That’s where hemp comes into the picture. Without getting too nerdy, we found a unique way to recreate hemp terpene flavors in a beer, which complement the inclusion of hop flavors and hemp hearts (seeds) in a brand new, delicious way—not to mention this beer is extremely dank! The flavors and aromas are so unique that it’s a style unto itself, hence HPA®.

Keep an eye out for The Hemperor HPA and brace yourself for a new experience in hoppy beer. The Hemperor HPA arrives on draft in April and on shelves in late May. So, hit the beer finder to set up alerts so you’ll know exactly when this game-changing beer lands near you.

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