The Veil Releasing Rubber Band Man, IdonteverwanttoBU & More

The Veil Releasing Rubber Band Man, IdonteverwanttoBU & MoreFrom The Veil:

Starting at 4pm we will begin selling the following beers in
fresh 4 packs of 16oz cans and 32oz Crowlers.

~Rubber Band Man 13.1% Quadruple IPA. Hopped with Citra, Enigma, Amarillo, and Mosaic. $19+tax/4-pack. 6x 4-packs/1x case per person.

~IdonteverwanttoBU 9.3% 0 IBU DIPA with Citra and Mosaic. $16+tax/4-pack. 6x 4-packs/1x case limit per person.

~Master Shredder 5.5% House IPA. $14+tax/4-pack. 6x 4-packs/1x case per person.

~Double Espresso Hornswoggler-7% chocolate milk stout aged on 100’s of lbs of Blanchard's Coffee Roasting Co. espresso. $18.50+tax/4-pack. 1x 4-pack limit.

~Whangdoodle-12% Imperial version of our chocolate milk stout Hornswoggler aged in Heaven Hill bourbon barrels for 14 months. Approx 2x cases/24x bottles left. $16+tax each. 1x bottle limit.


~We We Ded Ded 11% double dry-hopped all Citra Triple IPA. $14.00+tax/32oz crowler (approx. 78) 1 crowler per person.

~ImdonewithU 11% 0 IBU Triple IPA hopped intensely and equally with Citra and Mosaic. $14.00+tax/32oz crowler (approx. 98) 1 crowler per person.

~Lord Horns-7.8%-Hornswoggler aged for 6 months in an Eagle Rare bourbon barrel that previously held ginger mead from a Michigan meadery. Approx 28 crowlers. $16+tax/32oz crowler. 1x crowler per person.

~Frozen Frozen Ocean Ocean 8% double dry-hopped version of our 100% Lupulin Powder DIPA Frozen Ocean. Hopped with Citra, Mosaic, and Simcoe Lupulin Powder. $14+tax/32oz crowler. 1x crowler per person.

~Organic Brazilian Wildflower Honey aged in bourbon barrels for 8 months.. $25+tax per 500ml swing top bottle. NO LIMIT (approx. 13 bottles)

50x of these Tuesday x The Veil dad hats in faded navy color way. These will be available exclusively from our tasting room for now. $25+tax each. 2x per person.

We have a very limited amount of the Evil Twin x The Veil Honey Nut Jeppio’s t-shirts left too. 1x shirt per person limit. $22+tax. 1-M, 4-XLarge and 3-Large left.

Intergalactic Tacos slinging tacos all night for Taco Tuesday!

Open 4-9. Come Hang!

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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