Mad Hops Named Best Food/Beverage at Emmy's Show

Mad Hops Named Best Food/Beverage at Emmy's ShowBack in March 2016, we reviewed Mad Hops, so I’m excited to see this news from Mad Hops:

South Bristol, NY, September 20, 2017 - Mad Hops Flavored Beer Drops, a product that transforms the taste, color and aroma of regular, everyday beer, showcased their product line at the Celebrity Connected Show in conjunction with the Emmy Awards in Las Angeles last weekend and came back with Variety 411’s Outstanding Food Item Award

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More than 130 celebrities were escorted through the gifting suites to samples products and were given gift packages. Only 30 companies across the US were invited to attend and Mad Hops was one of two NY state companies.

“We looked at this opportunity as a great way to expand our presence on social media,” says founder Peter Hanley. “We’ve had a lot of success in upstate NY at summer festivals and outdoor events, sharing Mad Hops with people who have never heard of flavoring beer. Now with great photos and videos of celebrities experiencing Mad Hops, we can reach a much larger audience online and spread the word about how good Mad Hops is.”

Made from genuine beer ingredients like hop oils, bittering, and malts, a squirt of Mad Hops elevates the base flavor of a beer, then adds fruit and other natural flavorings. The product offers six flavors – American Pale Ale, Irish Porter, Wild Blueberry, Cherry Wheat, Apple Amber, Mexican Lime - with more on the way. One bottle flavors up to 18 beers.

“Of course, it’s great for young drinkers on a beer budget,” says Hanley, “but at this show many celebrities were excited because they primarily drink light beer for health and diet reasons and there aren’t craft beers options addressing this market segment. Many also mentioned that some Mad Hops flavors masked the beer flavors which is great for when non-beer drinkers attend beer-only events.”

All Kind of Celebrities
In addition to TV stars in town for the Emmy’s, Mad Hops welcomed celebs with resumes from the movies, music, sports and most interestingly social media stars who have huge online followings. Celebrity Connected defined a celebrity as someone with an online following of 50,000 or more. Many celebs were in the millions. “Thank God my daughter Rachael came along,” says Hanley. “She was so much more in tune with the new generation of celebrities!”
Three years in development, Mad Hops launched in December, 2016 and has retail locations across upstate NY and online at

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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