Almanac Beer Adding Ohio Distribution

imageFrom Almanac:

Sixth City Distribution today announced a partnership with San Francisco-based Almanac Beer Co.

Almanac will be found in key craft establishments in Northeast Ohio beginning the week of June 5th with both bottle and draft options available.  “Almanac has been widely recognized as one of the best producers of wild and barrel aged beer and we’re excited to be bringing them to Ohio.” said Ryan Reed, Founder of Sixth City.

Sixth City is bringing an expanded offering of craft products to thirsty Ohio consumers, while focusing on maintaining a streamlined portfolio of brands to provide great representation to its brewery partners. “We’re thrilled to bring our barrel aged sours to the Ohio beer scene,” said Chris Matthiessen, National Sales Manager at Almanac Beer Co.  “We’re excited to partner with the Sixth City and know their team will do a great job getting the beer to craft consumers.” said Matthiessen.

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