Fordham & Dominion Announces Rebranding

imageWe brought you a peek at these back in Nov, and now this from Fordham & Dominion:

Fordham & Dominion Brewery’s Fordham portfolio will receive an update for the New Year. In addition to a new look, the two flagship beers, Gypsy Lager and Copperhead Amber Ale, will also be joined by four new brews. Crash Zone IPL and Dilated Pupilz are being added to the year round calendar, while 11th Sour Berlinerwise and a Scotch ale will make seasonal appearances.

Vice-President of Marketing & Graphic designer Ryan Telle explains, “We wanted to give the portfolio an update. Everywhere you go, you want to look your best. With the industry being extremely competitive right now, everything needs to be great. There are a lot of consumers out there for the taking, new introductions to our brands to be made. I feel the new packaging is a great way to acquire new supporters of our beloved brand.” 

The entire line will be available in bottle and draught.

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