Dear Customers,
We are voluntarily recalling batches of Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale and Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale. You can be reassured that there are no health or safety effects from consuming these beers, but these particular batches did not meet our stringent quality standards for flavor and color.
This voluntary recall affects ONLY Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale & Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale with Born on Dates of July 1, 2016 – Sept. 19, 2016. The Born on Date can be found on the neck of the bottle and will be displayed as 070116 – 091916.
If you have beer that falls within this recall, please return it wherever you purchased it.
Fresh, new Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale should be available this week. Regretfully, Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale will not return until next year.
We apologize for the inconvenience. We appreciate your patience, loyalty and support as we work to return Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale to market as soon as possible.
Your Friends at Alltech’s Lexington Brewing & Distilling Co.
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