Yuengling Expands Distribution to Louisiana

imageFrom Yuengling:

Pottsville, PA, June 16, 2016 – D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc., America’s Oldest Brewery, is pleased to announce that it is expanding the distribution of its highly sought-after brands to Louisiana.

Four wholesalers have been assigned to distribute Yuengling products in the state. Yuengling welcomes into their network: Crescent Crown Distributing, Eagle Distributing, Choice Brands Inc., and Venture Marketing.

“When it comes to celebrating rich heritage & tradition, the Yuengling brands and Louisiana culture go hand in hand," said Bubba Moffett, President of Crescent Crown Distributing. "The Crescent Crown family is honored to have been selected to be Yuengling’s preferred distributor partner throughout our Southern Louisiana territory stretching from the great city of New Orleans to Lake Charles. Our team is energized and prepared to build upon Yuengling’s rich history within the US beer industry and look forward to a long and successful partnership with the Yuengling family and their powerful line-up of high-quality brands.” 

The roll-out in August will include Yuengling’s flagship beer, Yuengling Traditional Lager, as well as Light Lager and Black & Tan brands. Soon after, Yuengling will release its exciting seasonal portfolio to the Louisiana market.

Numerous additions and upgrades to Yuengling’s production capabilities facilitated this venture. Louisiana will become the nineteenth state in the brewery’s footprint.

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