Tröegs First Cut & Double Nugget Nectar Return For 2025

From Tröegs:

Get your hands on some Double Nugget!

With notes of apricot, peach rings, bright citrus and a hint of pine, Double Nugget Nectar is a bigger, more audacious version of our iconic Imperial Amber Ale. Be sure to snag some when you see it, because this extremely limited release won’t last through the winter season!

Don’t miss Frost & Foam Winterfest

Brace yourselves, because the inaugural Frost & Foam Winterfest takes place at the brewery on Saturday, February 22 from 12 to 5 p.m. Join us as we celebrate Old Man Winter with a day of live music, Breeo fire pit demonstrations, a chili cook-off, ice sculptures, local vendors, food trucks, and more. Of course, we'll have a full lineup of beer and plenty of hot pokers for some Bierstacheln action!

Winter blues bringing you down?

Then it’s time for a trip to Tröegs! Here at the brewery, we’re getting a head start on spring with the release of our refreshed Perpetual Exploration variety pack. Inside, you’ll find three each of year-round favorites Perpetual IPA, Graffiti Highway IPA and LolliHop Double IPA as well as our springtime lager, Little ‘Nator. Grab one or two 12-packs in our General Store and spring ahead to warmer weather!

Looking for something different this Valentine’s Day? Call up your favorite power couple and make it a double date for our Valentine-themed Trivia Night in the Tasting Loft. Hosted by Trivia with Ffej, you’ll enjoy four rounds of music, photo and general knowledge questions. We’ll award gift cards to the top two teams and raffle off Tröegs swag after each round. Be sure to get here early to secure a table, then grab a beer and some of your Snack Bar favorites in time for the opening round starting at 6 p.m.

And finally, our cult classic First Cut Mango IPA will return for a limited run here at the brewery starting Tuesday, February 25.

Each spring, hop growers dust off their pruning shears and trim the first shoots, bolstering the bines for a rich growing season. First Cut is a nod to this ritual, without which the world would be a less hoppy place.

Preorder today to secure your case on release day, then savor its notes of juicy mango, pineapple and honey.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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