Strike Brewing Brings Craft Beer to Coliseum Starting on Oakland A's Opening Day

imageFrom Strike Brewing:

Strike Brewing Co., is launching it’s first craft beer garage (concession stand) at stadium in time for the first home game of the Oakland A’s. The garage, located at seating area #127, will be a unique opportunity for fans to buy and enjoy quality craft beer and baseball. The initial draft lineup will feature Wit, Brown, and Opening Pitch Pale Ale, plus three bottled selections - Blonde, IPA & Irish Red Ale. Their beer will also be available at several other locations within the ballpark.

“We’re thrilled to be able to offer Oakland A’s fans more choice when it comes to what they enjoy during the game”, said co-founder and CEO Jenny Lewis. “This expansion is just one piece of our larger effort to make the world aware of the great craft beer being brewed right here in the Bay Area”

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