Cape May Brewing Sexy Bock Coming 3/5

imageFrom Cape May Brewing:

On March 5, as the third in a six-new-beers-in-six-week series, Cape May Brewery is releasing Bringing Sexy Bock, a kickass Vienna-style brew.

Here’s what you need to know:

First, it’s a lager, which means it’s been fermented at 50 degrees, or about 15 degrees cooler than an ale. This makes for a longer fermentation process, but it’s worth the wait. The end result is super clean, with no strong hop or yeast character but, rather, a malty and full-bodied flavor profile that comes from a complex grain bill. (CMB uses four grain types for this brew as opposed to two, which is more typical.) “We’re not afraid to spend money on ingredients to get a style right,” says co-owner Chris Henke.

Second, it’s a bock, which means it’s got a bigger ABV than your typical lager. The beer clocks in at 6.6%, which is “great for warming up when it’s cold as hell outside,” says Brew Master Brian Hink.

Third, yes CMB’s staff are fans of word play, and of Justin Timberlake’s hit single “Sexy Back.” But mostly, they’re just fans of really great beer.

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