Breckenridge Brewery Creates Brews Wayne For Denver Comic Con 2014

From Breckenridge:

For the third year in a row, we've teamed up with Denver Comic Con to craft a super beer for the masses.

The fan voted name of “Brews Wayne,” the official 2014 Denver Comic Con beer, will be unveiled on Friday, May 30th / 8pm, at
The 1up - Colfax for a FREE SHOW
Kick off Party will feature performances by
Total Ghost, Sundown Social, & Ginger Perry

First 200 fans to arrive will receive one of the limited edition pint glasses. Artists, Josh Viola and Aaron Lovett, will be at the party to unveil the commemorative art. Breckenridge Brewery will provide samples of Brews Wayne to attendees and have their infamous photo booth on hand to capture every moment.

#GeekStreetSociety will be in attendance remote hosting their radio show, and Groovey.TV will be catching the event on video!

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