One In Custody For Theft Of Fermentation Tanks (Scrapped!)

The original story is here…and now and update from the Coloradoan:

Timothy Breckon, 61, of Fort Collins, was arrested at his home at 301 N. Sundance on Thursday and charged with theft, according to Rita Davis, public information officer for Fort Collins Police Services.

Davis said police received a tip Thursday that an “individual had turned in tanks for scrap metal” at RMB Recycling, 1475 N. College Ave.

The four 1,000-pound beer fermenters were worth about $2,500 to $3,000 apiece, according Cody Pisacka, co-owner of the yet-to-open brewery at 4025-C S. Mason St.

According to 1933’s Facebook page on Thursday, the fermenters had already been turned into scrap metal.

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