Grand Canyon Brewing Announces New Production Facility & Expanded Distribution Coming In 2014

From Grand Canyon Brewing:

Phoenix, AZ (December 30, 2013) – Simply put, we need to produce more beer - that’s how John Peasley, owner of the Grand Canyon Brewing Company sees it, “Now that we’ve expanded into the Nevada market and have started increasing our retail presence, we need to make more beer on an annual basis to meet demand.”

Since opening in 2007, the Grand Canyon Brewing Company has grown from a little neighborhood pub to brewing just under 6,000 bbl (barrels of beer) in 2013, – all accomplished in a 6,000 sq. ft. brewing space located along historic Route 66 in Williams, AZ.

“When we started this back in 2007, we never dreamt of the success we’ve experienced so far. Our beer is outdoorsy, rustic and all about the extreme thrill of exploration and adventure. We’re looking forward to sharing that feeling with everyone who enjoys our beer,” remarked, Peasley.

The new production facility is 27,000 sq. feet with 20,000 sq. feet of that space dedicated to brewing in a 40 barrel brewing system capable of producing an estimated 40,000 bbl – the state limit – once fully developed. The new facility is located at 301 N Seventh Street, Williams, AZ.

With an investment of nearly $2.7M, the facility will allow the Grand Canyon Brewing Company to meet current demand, increase their retail market and to expand into new states including California, New Mexico and Colorado. Brewing is expected to begin in May, 2014.

Additionally, Peasley plans to hire at least one more full-time brewer, two cellar men and two deck mates to staff the production facility.

As for the existing brewery, it will be outfitted with a new nano-brewing system for testing out new flavor combinations and brewing methods. Also, a tasting room, bar, pool tables, and large screen tv’s will be added.

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