MADD Objects To Jacksonville Jaguars Free Beer Promotion

From CBS Sports:

The Jaguars made a strong move to give free beer to people who attended Sunday's game against the Colts during a promotion this week. (Good thing too: you would've needed beer to sit through that shellacking.) Free beer makes everyone happy.

Well, not everyone: the folks at Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) are "concerned" that handing out free beer provides a poor message.

“MADD partners with the NFL to promote a safe fan experience. However, we're concerned that the recent Jaguars promotion may run counter to those efforts,” MADD spokesman Anna Duerrs told Alex Marvez of Fox Sports. "Research indicates that reducing the price of alcohol leads to increased consumption, intoxication and drunk driving. Some states even ban the distribution of free alcoholic beverages as a part of their dedication to responsible serving practices.

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