Golden Road Brewing Creates 24-Packs for Costco

From he LATimes:

"I saw early on that there was this huge potential in craft beer -- if you [have] a six-pack or 12-pack on the shelf at a supermarket, you need scale to succeed," she said. "So we set forth with a bit of a different model. L.A. county needs a local craft beer producer that you can get everywhere from Bill's Liquor in Atwater, Sunset Beer Co., to Costco 24-packs -- which are going into 51 Southern California Costcos next month." 

Golden Road's distribution strategy of targeting major retail chains has been criticized by some who think the young brewery is expanding too quickly, too soon, but the aggressive pursuit of retail shelf space for their beer was baked into the Golden Road business plan from the very beginning. Look for cases of Golden Road's canned offerings in area Costco stores beginning in August.

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