Shmaltz Brewing Bringing Some Special Holiday Releases


This from Shmaltz Brewing and our pal Jeremy Cowan:

New York, San Francisco, Beyond! - December 3, 2012/mbb/ - While most large corporations slash their prices during the holiday season to encourage consumers to buy products, craft breweries do the opposite - instead releasing their best (often priciest) seasonal beers during the season of giving. Rather than barrage consumers with the lowest common denominator, the craft beer industry embraces the unique relationship they have with their consumer base - offering them something exceptional and worth the extra investment, at a truly special time in the year. As a result, craft breweries profits increase by offering limited edition, specialty beers, while simultaneously celebrating their product, the entire craft beer industry, the holidays, AND the wildly enthusiastic and rapidly growing beer community as a whole.

Shmaltz Brewing Company, handcrafters of HE'BREW - The Chosen Beer®, celebrates Chanukah 2012 with the special release of Jewbelation Sweet 16® (22 oz, $10) and the HE'BREW Holiday Gift Pack® (eight 12 oz bottles, $30). A complex, enormous brown ale with a dynamic labyrinth of multi-layered flavors, Jewbelation Sweet 16® is brewed with 16 malts, 16 hops, and soars to 16% alc. The HE'BREW Holiday Gift Pack® features eight 12 oz. bottles of Shmaltz beers that consumers cannot buy at any other time of year. It includes a custom glass, Chanukah candles, instructions on "How To Build Your Own Beer Menorah," and a Facebook Beer Menorah photo contest begins on Monday, December 3, 2012 - all adding value for consumers and encouraging them to pay a bit more for something intriguing.

Winter seasonal beers are currently on shelves across the country, with other standout selections including Anchor Brewing's Christmas Ale (1.5 liter, $15.99), Firestone Walker's 16th Anniversary Ale (22 oz, $23.99), and Stone Brewing's Vertical Epic Ale (22 oz, arriving on Dec. 12, 2012).

Clearly, craft beer enthusiasts are willing to spend a few dollars extra during the holiday season to assure they are purchasing the highest quality American craft beer on the market.

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