Joe Percoco Departing Barley Creek (Update)

I’m still collecting details, I’m sad to report that our pal Joe Percoco is departing Barley Creek.  I was really excited to see and sample the great variety of beers that Joe was brewing and even more excited to see what he was planning to brew next, so this is bad news for sure.  I’m sure Joe will land on his feet at another brewery soon so stay tuned for details.

Update:  I did speak with Joe today and it does sound like he and owner Trip Ruvane had a significant falling out at the end of May. Joe is moving on and he promises to keep us all up to date on what his plans are next.  Based on what I’m hearing there does remain significant conflict over the recipes, so stay tuned.  I suspect we haven’t heard the end of this one just yet.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

11 comments (click to read or post):

  1. Gem and Keystone is back in the number one spot in the Poconos!

  2. True colors being shown in regard to BC being more interested in being a local tourist trap and disregarding the local market. I'll be the first to admit that I had not gone to BC in years until Joe showed up...he was a breath of fresh air into the home of the 12 dollar 'weekender' burger. Looks like I'll go back to my old procedure of avoiding that area, and BC itself. Shame, as that place has the ability to be really great...

  3. Agreed....too bad. Just when I thought things were getting good....

    Joe has partnered with his friend Matt Lindenmuth, Matt is an ex-pro rollerblade and snowboard athlete and a Guinness World Record holder as the first person to ever complete a double back flip on the vertical ramp. He was born with an adventurous and entrepreneurial spirit and has applied that to all aspects of his life. When he was in sixth grade, he negotiated with his parents to invest in mobile DJ equipment and started a DJ business. Eventually, his passion for action sports took over and his competitions lead him all over the world as he tasted several variations of expertly brewed craft beer. He began his own brewing with friends in 2008 and four years later has decided to turn his hobby into a career. He returned to school to complete his formal education in Business at Liberty University and now he is ready to take his hobby and his love for brewing to the next level. Matt contacted Joe and asked him if he would be interested in joining him in being partners. Now Joe Percoco will be master brewer and will be part owner in Sacony Creek Brewing Company. Check out the video of Matt giving the tour of there new brewery

  5. I did just speak w/Joe and he confirms that this is ONE of the offers he is considering and he has NOT made any official decisions yet. Stay tuned...

  6. Joe is a talented home brewer. He was quickly given the opportunity to lead brew on Barley's 10 bbl. Peter Austin system. The amount of responsibility he was charged with at his young age and experience level was one that I made, and upon reflection it was a compliment to the way he spoke about his passion. "Connie"'s post is interesting and I understand that someone needs to be the "bad" guy in this saga, especially given the decision making time frame of the offer he may or may not have/had on the table. Comedic writer Erma Bombeck wrote a lot of books about life and one was titled The Grass is Always Greener over the Septic Tank. Joe did not work very long at Barley nor did he work alone. Joe worked with an Assistant Brewer, Matt Doughty. Matt knows what it takes to produce good beer and is looking forward to earning your respect over time. The same respect that we all so quickly gave to Joe.

    One last comment: There is a brewers log book that discusses each brew and this should be kept up-to-date and in the brewery. It's part of Barley Creek's history. If we want to brew that beer again next month or 20 years from now we have a starting point as to what was that particular brewers thought process. It's part of the job to keep this book accurate and up-to-date. It would have been professional compliment to Joe had he kept a brewers log, but he told me, in a guarded way, that he does not have a "brewers log". For the record or lack thereof....I'll chalk this up to a few pages of 17 years of history as gone missing.

    I'm looking forward to giving Matt the right contacts and the same educational opportunities afforded to Joe. Just as I suspected how good Joe could be when I first interviewed him, I know that Matt is already brewing great beer. Matt has a family and understands what it takes to work as part of a team. He is committed to the history of brewing great beer right here. Cheers to Matt.

    1. Trip,
      I thank you for the great oppurtunity and I want you to know that I had a great time working at Barley Creek. I truly wish the circumstances would have been differnt and if I had the choice I would still be brewing for you. Best of luck.

  7. Thanks Trip & good luck to Matt.

  8. Devils Advocate12 June, 2012 11:16

    As one who knows all of the players in this saga personally and has been drinking beer at Barley Creek for almost 17 years, I would like to say that this is a great oppurtunity for all involved to learn and progress in life.. as for matt .. he has a great oppurtunity to work at a potentialy awesome spot.. as for joe he learned a great skill quickly and showed the local beer drinking populace what a fine beer is ( wich has not been the case for about 12 of the last 17 years.. ) there first brewer made beer that was good as joes.. when me and my pals were drinkin joes beer comments were made as to how this beer joe made reminded us of the original kick ass brew from the creek... a chef makes a resturaunt fine or not so fine.. same as a brewery .. it isnt just some hammer head reading recipes and doing this or that.. it takes love. as for trip .. this is a chance to do it different in the future.. stop drinking gallons of booze daily .. treat people different .. ego kills human progress.. all in volved shoud look at themselves first .find there part in it and do it better next time .. also the food there realy is no different than any were else . wich is mostly bunk .make your ffod better barley creek . i will go to the creek again and see how much matt learned from joe and how much love he has for thebeer.. hopefully it is good .. as of now shawne will be the beer of choice...i have no doubt bc will continue on as they cant loose due to the proximity of camel back ...... but the local crowd tells the story .. do they or dont they patronize.. time will tell .... good luck to all ...........

  9. Many rumors are now surfacing regarding the possibility of Percoco being born a wizard. While the amount of wizard births in the Appalachian mountains are indeed on the rise - it is still uncertain if Joe is of magical origin. As many citizens of Appalachia have brought to my attention, yes - the fiery red beard is certainly suspicious but I repeat - we are still not sure of a definite yes or no. I will keep all of my mountain brothers and sisters updated as soon as I learn any new information.


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