Allentown PA’s Neuweiler Brewery May Become a Movie Studio

Hard to imagine, but it’s a true story.  Neuweiler Brewery in Allentown, PA may become a state of the art film studio.  Details from WFMJ:

ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP) - A filmmaker is talking with eastern Pennsylvania officials about the idea of turning a vacant Allentown brewery into a state-of-the-art movie studio that would allow production of films ranging from independent documentaries to blockbusters.

The complex at the former Neuweiler Brewery on 40 to 50 acres of land along the Lehigh River is being proposed by Mango Cross Media, owned by filmmaker Robert Manganelli. The former Lehigh Valley resident cited lower costs, proximity to New York and the city's historic feel.

Local officials hailed the proposal, which would take advantage of tax incentives from the Allentown Riverfront Neighborhood Improvement Zone.

Bethlehem officials said Manganelli and his partners considered the former Bethlehem Steel site, but those talks broke down last year. 

Information from: The Morning Call,

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