WILK Friday BeerBuzz – 3 Sept 2010 (Wyoming Valley Home Brewers IPA & Baltic Porter)

WILKFridayBerbuzz7 Today we welcomed a unique guest to the Friday BeerBuzz.  We normally welcome brew masters who make a living brewing beer for some of our local (and not so local) breweries.  But keep in mind for every brewer that is brewing professionally, there are hundreds of home brewers brewing for the simple love of brewing beer.

Our guest today was Chuck Yarmey, founder of the Wyoming Valley Homebrewers.  Chuck and President Joe Miller are celebrating their 15th year as a club so we’d encourage you to stop down to Sabatini’s on Sept 13th at 7PM and attend their monthly meeting. (I know I’ll be there).  If you ever had any interest in home brewing yourself, participating in a home brewing session with one of the members OR simply hanging out and talking beer with a bunch of guys that love beer, this club is for you.

wyoming valley homebrewers

Now I know what you’re saying….home brewed beers are just “OK” beers and not so great…well you’d be wrong.  Not only did we taste two fantastic brews today, but John & I also judged the Wyoming Valley Homebrewers competition back in June and the beers were really good.  I should also note that a few years back, the guys had a Bourbon Porter that was by far one of the best beers at the Split Rock Great American Beer Festival, even compared to professional brews.  These home brews are good!

Today we tasted an IPA and a Baltic Porter, and congratulations to the brewers of these beers, because we really enjoyed them.  I think we also broke new ground here by bringing the first homebrewing beers on the radio to sample.  I can also tell you Beer Cam really enjoyed riding shotgun on the IPA bottle as well while we tasted.

Another amazing show if I do say so myself…and two more tasty beers. 
to Chuck, John, Nancy, Joe & Bosco for yet another fun Friday. 

The Friday Beerbuzz…bringing good beers and good people together

As always you can check out the video on-line at the WILK Friday Beerbuzz page by clicking HERE

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

37 comments (click to read or post):

  1. I am drawing closer and closer to giving homebrewing a try. Getting to know Chuck and the gang at WVHC has played a big part. The Baltic Porter AND the IPA today, both were outstanding. But as The Joe Thomas mentioned, if I start to brew beer and I get good at it, will I ever want to leave my house again? lol

    Another great show Bill and looking forward to the wildly popular BEER CAM 1.1!


  2. Thanks John...today's show was load of fun and BEER CAM will ride again.....stay tuned to wilknewsradio.com and mybeerbuzz.com for the BEER CAM footage!

    I too will eventually homebrew and I'll be attending the Sept 13th meeting at Sabatinis to check it out...but whether you want to home brew or not, come check out the meeting. You'll not meet a more entertaining bunch of guys that love to talk beer....AND...they know how to brew it as well.

  3. BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! BeerCam! please post it soon!

  4. Nice show guys. I think highlighting the home brewers is brilliant.

    Jason J

  5. Thanks to all of you for having me on today!
    I also want to thank Steve Nagley for the Baltic Porter and Matt McDonough for the IPA. Both great beers.
    I wasn't just there on behalf of the Wyoming Valley Homebrewers but on behalf of ALL homebrewers out there who are keeping this art alive.
    I'm looking forward to getting started on the "challenge" beers and bringing them back for you all to sample!

  6. Excellent show and great guest.
    Ryan W

    PS Now I want to home brew

  7. A+ but I never heard of a baltic porter. Nice

  8. Bring on beer cam!

  9. First time listener here. I'll be trying some homebrewing soon so I'll check out the meeting too. Good show beerbuzzers.

  10. I officially have a crush on the beer cam and we haven't even met yet. My husband is so jealous ::))


  11. Thanks Chuck...and thanks to Matt & Steve for todays beers and all of the club members.

  12. Love the show and LOVE the beercam. Tell Joe Thomas to get the show camera closer. I couldn't heard some of the show. Thanks fully I listened live too.


  13. SOrry about the audio Marty....I'll let Joe Thomas know to stand closer to the beer ;)

  14. Very interesting beer show today with Chuck. I never knew what OG and F mean. Thanks Bill.

  15. please don't have so much fun in the morning while I'm at work (wink wink). That show sounded like a lot of fun. Rock on Webby!

  16. I'd love to homebrew so I plan to try to get to the meeting. Making my own beer is part of green living for me so I can't wait to try it.


  17. I love the beer cam! And you get to feel like you're on the show. Any show secrets to reveal??

  18. Thans Anon. We're having a GREAT time with BEER CAM! No real show secrets but beer cam can tell you what sort of shoes John was wearing and what the mythical Bosco looks like ;)

    Maybe our tag line need to be bringing good beers, good people and BEER CAM together....

  19. I've now watched beercam 5 times and I'm about to press play again. Why is it SO addictive?

    That is so much fun.


  20. Fun stuff and great beer cam footage and music! Turn up the volume on the normal show cam please.


  21. I too am hooked on Beercam but I've only watched it 3 times. OK so I'll press play again.


  22. Thanks you everyone. You keep watching BEER CAM and we'll keep filming ;)

  23. Anon 10:26, until recently I never heard of Baltic Porter either but that's the beauty of homebrewing. You can make beers that are hard to find commercially or even beers that are no longer being brewed. Most commercial breweries brew for the masses. You can brew for yourself. (and of course, your friends) :-)

  24. Good point Chuck. Think how cool it would be to design your own beer.

  25. I'm in. I'll try to stop by on the 13th.


  26. I loved the beers Bill suggested and I think the beerbuzz team should patent them so no one else steals them especially the Peach IPA and Almond Porter.

  27. Beer Cam = WIN!

  28. Beer Cam = A+++ and funny

  29. You all presented lots of good info on the show. I didn't realize what the gravity or FG meant and now I do. I think homebrewing can be very economical too which was not mentioned and fun. Whenever I brew I invite friends over to share my previous brews while we brew the next one. It's a lot of fun. I love the beer cam footage by the way.

    Martin H

  30. Thanks Martin...all good points and that sounds like a fun day.

  31. Is there a BEER CAM anonymous to help me stop watching it over and over again? It's compelling for some reason and I'm riveted to the screen. MUST WATCH AGAIN

  32. Hey Chuck was a great guest. I think his music background made him sound good on the radio and he's making me harken back to the days of Synch. Rock on Chuck and keep brewing.


  33. I'd agree Mary. Chuck was fun to have on the show and maybe when he comes back next time we can convince him to sing...I'm kidding, but I can;t wait to have him back on the Friday Beerbuzz with or without Synch!

  34. Consider the peach ipa challenge accepted. Glad everyone liked the brew. Going to have the same beer in the keg stuffed with whole cones. The dry hopped version is considerably more pungent and tastier. Prepare to have your palates assulted.
    Matt McDonough

  35. Thanks Matt....we really enjoye dthe IPA and look forward to a Peach version. I heard about the dry-hopped keg version and it sounds tasty. My palate is ready ;)

  36. I think I'll be attending the meeting as well. I can't wait to get started homebrewing.

  37. Thanks Ed..see you Monday the 13th


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