Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights Goose Island Big Mango Beer Hug (Review)

Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights Goose Island Big Mango Beer Hug (Review)

I first discovered Goose Island beers on an all-too-long layover at Chicago O’Hare airport. The beer was their original Honkers ale, and while it didn’t speed up my departure, it did make the time go quickly.

Ever since that day, I’ve always enjoyed Goose Island beers, and while their Bourbon County Brand BA stouts have to be some of my favorites, I really enjoyed their simple Goose Island IPA (over and over again).

Back in June 2024, I brought you a peek at today’s beer and I’ve been looking forward to trying it ever since. Fortunately, just a week or two ago, I brought you the news that the beer was being released and a sample arrived at mybeerbuzz headquarters today.

I’m talking about Big Mango Beer Hug and this beer will now join the Beer Hug family of brews, a lineup of beers that included Big Juicy, the second highest share-gaining innovation for convenience stores in the IPA category (Source: Circana).

Of course I can’t wait to try this beer hug, so off we go…Mybeerbuzz .com Highlights Goose Island Big Mango Beer Hug (Review)

Goose Island Big Mango Beer Hug

Brewery Description: Best buds with Tropical Beer Hug and Big Juicy Beer Hug, Big Mango Beer Hug is bursting with luscious mango flavor. Big Mango has a fruity sweetness that hits just right and a finish that keeps you coming back for more. Whether you're relaxing at home or enjoying a sunny day with friends, Big Mango Beer Hug is unabashedly delicious.

ABV:  9.9%
IBU: 30
Style: Imperial IPA
Packaging:  12oz cans
Appearance:  Clear gold
Aroma:   Tropical fruit, citrus and mango
Mouthfeel:   Medium
Taste:   Sticky mango, light citrus & pear
Overall:  Goose Island Big Mango Beer Hug will definitely give you a big beer hug at 9.9%-AbV. I found the alcohol content to be sneaky in that the beer doesn’t taste or feel like a 9.9% beer until you get to the bottom of the can. Overall I really liked the Mango-forward flavors and the bright citrus brought in by the Idaho 7 hops. This one is a keeper and I can’t wait to open another.

Goose Island Big Mango Beer Hug is available now in in 12oz canned 6-packs as well as single-serve 19.2oz cans so get out there and enjoy one for yourself…and when you do try it, be sure to let us know what YOU think.   zzubreebym

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