These beers remain part of their 12 Days of Christmas 2024 and here we have Partridge In A Pear Tree 2024 Belgian-style quad with spices (11.3%-AbV), Two Turtle Doves Belgian-style ale with orange peel and spices (10.6%-AbV) Three French Hens oaked Belgian-style dark ale (10%-AbV), 4 Calling Birds Belgian-style dark strong ale with spices (11.1%-AbV), 6 Geese A Laying Belgian-style dark ale with cape gooseberries (11.7%-AbV), 7 Swans A Swimming Belgian-style quad ale (9.1%-AbV), 8 Maids A Milking Belgian-style imperial milk stout (11.3%-AbV), 9 Ladies Dancing will be a Belgian-style ale brewed with cacao nibs, milk sugar, coffee and vanilla (11%-AbV), 10 Lords A Leaping will be a dark imperial wit ale brewed with dried apples and spices (10.8%-AbV), 11 Pipers Piping will be a Scotch-style ale brewed with candi sugar and coriander (11%-AbV) & 12 Drummers Drumming will be a Belgian-style quadrupel ale with Bourbon barrel-aged old ale (12%-AbV) These are all 12.7oz bottles and stay tuned for release format and the remainder of the series. zzubreebym

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