Voodoo Ranger Wreaks Hardcharged Havoc on Teatime in NYC

From New Belgium:

Bold activation turns a posh New York City tea party on its head to prove that Voodoo Ranger Hardcharged Tea is unlike tea as you know it.

FORT COLLINS, CO   May 21, 2024  Voodoo Ranger, known for its cult-favorite IPAs, has just pulled off another unforgettable stunt in New York City. Yesterday, an unsuspecting group of guests were invited for a posh high tea experience in SoHo, which quickly turned to mayhem to celebrate the brand's national launch of its hard tea, Voodoo Ranger Hardcharged Teazzubreebym

Guests were invited to experience a luxurious classic high tea at Chez Vaudou but things quickly took a turn when servers presented trays with safety goggles and smashing devices such as golf clubs, baseball bats and tire irons instead of tea and traditional finger sandwiches. Heavy metal music filled the room as a guitarist jumped on a table and shredded some power bars startling and accelerating the energy in the room. Voodoo Ranger Hardcharged Tea banners unfurled and tea drinkers were encouraged to let loose, smash some china, and stir things up with the new Hardcharged Tea.

This event comes after other brand pranks like the Voodoo Ranger IPA Action Park in 2022 that tricked Napa Valley into thinking a beer amusement park would crash their vineyards. Known for its bold daring personality and unexpected approach, the Voodoo Ranger Hardcharged Tea party smashed traditional tea conventions with a little fun.

"Just like Hardcharged Tea, this event was all about breaking expectations and bringing some edge to moments steeped in tradition," said Michelle Robertson, Voodoo Ranger Brand Manager. "Packed with refreshing flavors and a bold kick, we always say that Hardcharged Tea is a tea that parties, and we are thrilled to give tea lovers a taste of what it means to be Hardcharged."

First introduced in 2023 in limited markets, Hardcharged Tea is made with real tea and beckons the bold with 7% ABV. Bringing the attitude to hard iced tea, Hardcharged Tea is now available nationally in four flavors, including Lemon, Peach, Half & Half and Razz Pop.

To learn more about the Voodoo Ranger Hardcharged Tea and find it near you please visit https://www.voodooranger.com/beer/hardcharged-tea/.

About Voodoo Ranger

Voodoo Ranger Hardcharged Tea, made by New Belgium Brewing, is the newest product line from the brewery and is currently the #1 hard tea launch in 2024 in the U.S. Initially launched regionally in 2023, Voodoo Ranger Hardcharged Tea is now available nationally in four flavors, including Lemon, Peach, Half & Half and Razz Pop. For more information and a follow @voodooranger on Instagram. To learn more about the Voodoo Ranger portfolio, visit https://www.voodooranger.com/beer/hardcharged-tea.

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