Schilling Hard Cider Releasing Strawberry Rhube Awakening

Schilling Hard Cider announced their newest seasonal release – Strawberry Rhube Awakening! This cider boasts a semi-sweet profile and abundant fruitiness, enhanced by soaking up extra strawberry flavor in the sun. Obtaining a perfect balance, this new cider harmonizes sweetness with a tangy punch, achieved only by blending strawberry and rhubarb.

This seasonal summer drink is a rhube awakening! Made with fresh-pressed apples and no artificial flavoring. Only available until the fall, Strawberry Rhube Awakening has 6.5% ABV and:

  • Tastes like: Nostalgia! Juicy sweet strawberries with that rhubarb bite to balance them.
  • Smells like: Strawberries!
  • Looks like: A vibrant coral sunset.

Closely monitoring consumers’ preferences to inform product creation, Schilling’s newest addition builds upon consumers' growing interest in and appreciation for seasonal ingredients, which saw a 28% increase last year. Additionally, nearly 50% of consumers are influenced by familiar flavor combinations when making purchasing decisions, Strawberry Rhube Awakening evokes nostalgia for a classic dessert, perfectly catering to consumers' flavor desires.

More on the Strawberry Rhube Awakening:


  • Hard cider made with fresh-pressed apples
  • Blend of fruit juice concentrates (Pear, Apple, Strawberry, Rhubarb, Elderberry)
  • Sugar
  • Citric acid
  • Natural flavors
  • Salt


  • Calories: 150
  • Carbs: 13g
  • Total Sugar: 12g
  • Added Sugar: 7g

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