Eco-conscious businesses are saving Lithuanian old-growth forests

Image©Darius Babelis

Eco-conscious and sustainability-focused businesses, organizations, and people are significantly contributing to Lithuania’s old-growth forest preservation. Already 240 acres have been preserved by the Ancient Woods Foundation for future generations, and hundreds of thousands of financial contributions help to expand the protected forest area.

November 16, 2023. Old-growth forest numbers are critically decreasing due to human activity,  despite them being more drought tolerant than young ones, storing significant amounts of detrimental carbon, and containing biodiverse ecosystems.

Only 1,2% of Lithuania’s forests are fully protected against logging and only 0.0009% of the country’s area is covered in mature woods that are over 200 years old. That is why Lithuania’s environmentally-focused residents, businesses, and organizations are joining together to help the Ancient Woods Foundation, a non-profit organization, to purchase old-growth, biologically valuable forests and let them become ancient woods rich in biodiversity and life forms.

Since 2020 over 240 acres of mature forests have been preserved thanks to numerous financial donations from private persons and businesses. Up until the end of 2022, the protected forests absorbed around 655 tons of CO2.

Nationwide campaign to reduce waste and protect forests

New partners and sponsors set on contributing to the cause emerge every year. On November 14, a non-profit Deposit System Administrator launched a countrywide campaign to encourage people to return cans, plastic, and glass bottles, marked with a deposit symbol, and instead of taking back the deposit money, donate it to the Ancient Woods Foundation.

Together with reducing waste and encouraging residents to keep up with recycling, the campaign will urge people to preserve the old-growth forests and all life forms in them. It has been calculated that one returned container will equal 1,000 square centimeters of preserved mature forests.

Through the deposit system, functioning for numerous years, 9 containers out of 10 launched into the market are returned for recycling, making Lithuania one of the leaders in the field. The initiative has significantly reduced the load on landfills and contributed to a cleaner environment over time.

Eco-conscious entrepreneurs make tangible changes

Each financial contribution is significant in saving mature forests—one donated euro contributes to the preservation of 1 square meter of forest, as per the Foundation’s estimations.

Businesses’ donations are especially beneficial as they help to reach tangible results much faster. With the swift increase in entrepreneurs’ eco-conscious values, financial contributions are rising. carVertical, a global automotive data company that checks and reports vehicle history, has just made the largest one-time donation for the Foundation to date—100K euros that will aid with the preservation of mature forests.

According to Rokas Medonis, CEO of carVertical, the company is taking steps to implement more sustainable practices, involve the employees in environmental protection initiatives, and pursue the preservation of biological life forms for future generations.

“Supporting the Ancient Woods Foundation is an investment in the future. The donation contributes to solving the problems of the future, not the present. A lot of companies are calling themselves sustainable but not many of them are taking real actions. We did not want to do something that is on trend right now but rather give back to something we are truly passionate about,” Medonis added.

A number of Lithuanian businesses offer continuous financial help with the preservation of biologically valuable forests. “Žalia giria”, a drinking water manufacturer, donated over 100K euros throughout 2021 and 2022, which went to preserving old-growth forests. The company is now taking steps to implement sustainable innovations in manufacturing and increase the amount of recyclable plastic used for products.

Multiple other businesses have joined the Ancient Woods Foundation in their mission—last year various businesses contributed with over 150K euros in donations and services.



The Ancient Woods Foundation is a non-governmental organization aiming to preserve old-growth Lithuanian forests with all life forms in them, and create longevous sustainable examples of nature—publicly accessible ancient woods—essential to preserving biodiversity and reducing climate change consequences. The Foundation’s vision is Lithuania, where nature belongs to nature, is allowed to thrive and prosper without human impact, and all organisms are equally important.

The Foundation was established in 2020, following the release of the 2018 documentary Ancient Woods. The documentary received several local and international awards and was broadcast in 30 countries and over 50 international festivals. The Foundation protects 240 acres of forests—future ancient woods, and its constantly growing community allows the Foundation to continue forest preservation and public education activities.

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