WeldWerks Announces Stellar Bottle Releases in time for GABF

WeldWerks Announces Stellar Bottle Releases in time for GABF

From WeldWerks:

WeldWerks is excited to announce their next round of Medianoche releases just in time for GABF including the taproom sale of 2023 Medianoche. Details below. zzubreebym

2023 Medianoche

2023 Medianoche will go on sale at the WeldWerks taproom (no Eventbrite sales for this one, while supplies last) on Friday, Sept. 15. This beer will also be available at participating retailers in 15+ states including Colorado, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Ohio, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, California, Kansas, Michigan, and Illinois.

2023 Medianoche is bigger and more complex than ever before as WeldWerks selected more unique barrels and a wider variety of Medianoche base recipes. The base recipe includes our traditional Medianoche base, combined with wheated, rye, extended-boil, and short-boiled Medianoches. The 24-30 month aging process took place in exclusive barrels including: Buffalo Trace Warehouse X Experimental bourbon, Law’s Whiskey House Rye, Eagle Rare Bourbon, Old Fitzgerald Bourbon, Old Elk Bourbon, Wheated Weller and Weller 12 bourbon, Breckenridge Bourbon, and Templeton ten-year Rye. This extraordinary blend presents notes of Nilla Wafers, melted caramel, fresh chocolate chip cookies, oak, and hints of cinnamon pecans.

Peanut Butter Cup Medianoche

This beer is sold via Eventbrite with tickets going on sale Saturday, Sept. 16 at 10 a.m. and in-person pick ups Sept. 17 - Oct. 15. You will NOT need an access code, the ticket purchasing page will be  viewable the second the sale begins on the 16th!

Peanut Butter Cup Medianoche (a GABF fan favorite) is back and better than ever! This decadent blend begins with ten-year-old Eagle Rare bourbon and 12-year-old Elijah Craig bourbon barrels, crafting an oak bomb of a base. These barrels were carefully chosen for their distinctive peanut butter and dark chocolate flavors. Then, to accentuate these already delectable notes, WeldWerks amplified the experience with an added blend of peanut flour, cacao nibs, and luscious peanut butter cups. Prepare your taste buds for a downright decadent treat!

Tropical Medianoche

This beer is sold via Eventbrite with tickets going on sale Saturday, Sept. 16 at 10 a.m. and in-person pick ups Sept. 17 - Oct. 15. You will NOT need an access code, the ticket purchasing page will be  viewable the second the sale begins on the 16th!

Tropical Medianoche is the fan-voted favorite of WeldWerks’ first-ever staff Medianoche contest, which divided WeldWerks into four teams, each tasked with creating its own unique and flavor-forward blend. Medianoche Market attendees then voted for their favorite beer during the inaugural event in June…where Tropical Medianoche emerged on top! The base Medianoche was housed for 27 months in six-year-old Fitzgerald bourbon barrels, adding depth and character to the final brew, which was inspired by the classic tropical drink, the Dirty Monkey, and, true to form, Tropical Medianoche features a delightful blend of bananas, coconut cream and pineapple. Hats off to WeldWerks’ production team for crafting this one-of-a-kind Medianoche.

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