This morning I have a new can coming from Saranac / F.X. Matt in Utica, NY.
This is Strawberry Tart and it will be a kettle-soured wheat ale with strawberry & lemon that will hit 4.8%-AbV. This is the 16oz can and stay tuned for release details. I’ve also added in Hazy Pils (5.2%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Season’s Best Nut Brown Lager (5.6%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Blueberry Blonde (5%-AbV, 12oz cans), Clouded Dream fruity IPA (6.8%-AbV, 12oz cans), Hoppy Hour Hero west coast-style IPA (7%-AbV, 12oz cans), Clouded Dream juicy IPA (6.8%-AbV, 12oz cans), Blueberry Blonde ale (5%-AbV, 12oz cans, 12oz bottles), Golden pilsener (5.1%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Black Forest black beer (5.3%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Adirondack Lager (5.5%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Pale Ale (5.5%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Cold Brew Coffee Lager (5.2%-AbV, 16oz cans), White IPA (6%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Holidaze Haze IPA (5.5%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Frosty Pils pilsener (5.5%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Black Forest Cake lager brewed with cherries and natural flavor (5.3%-AbV, 12oz bottles), Hoppy Hour Hero Juicy IPA (7%-AbV, 12oz cans, 12oz bottles), Hoppy Hour Hero Tropical IPA (7%-AbV, 12oz cans, 12oz bottles), Hoppy Hour Hero West Coast IPA (7%-AbV, 12oz cans, 12oz bottles), Hoppy Hour Juicy IPA (7%-AbV, 12oz cans), Weekend Warrior mid strength golden pilsner (3%-AbV, 12oz cans), Trail Blazer non-alcoholic IPA (0.5%-AbV, 12oz cans), Trail Blazer non-alcoholic blueberry blonde ale (0.5%-AbV, 12oz cans), Bear Squeeze juicy IPA (7%-AbV, 16oz cans), Bear Growler hazy IPA (6.8%-AbV, 16oz cans) & Snow Cloud IPA (6.3%-AbV, 12oz bottles).
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