Harpoon & Hub Sports Boston Create The Pickleball Social Club

Harpoon & Hub Sports Boston Create The Pickleball Social Club

From Harpoon:

We teamed up with Hub Sports Boston to launch the Pickleball Social Club – a new space at Harpoon Brewery in Boston’s Seaport with pickleball courts, shuffleboard and more.  zzubreebym

The space can hold up to 400 people and will feature four premium lighted pickleball courts, two shuffleboard courts, and numerous cornhole boards. The Harpoon Kitchen will be cooking up concessions and featuring custom menu items such as a Pickle Pop from WildPops. The Harpoon draft container will be pouring 10+ draft and can offerings from Harpoon and Friends.

You can reserve a court or join one of the leagues – Rec. League or Juicer League. Rec. League is open to all players, regardless of skill, who just want to have fun. Juicer League is for more experienced players who are looking to play competitively.

Whether you’re joining a league or playing just for fun, the courts can be reserved on Hub Sports Boston’s website. On-site rentals will be offered, if needed. Players are encouraged to bring their own equipment, if owned.

The Pickleball Social Club is also a great site for corporate events, team-building outings, charity events, and more – Harpoon can curate your outing. Click here to learn more!

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