Dark Sky Brewing Featuring Yarnell 19 Beer For The 10th Anniversary Of The Yarnell Hill Fire In Honor Of Eric Marsh Foundation

FLAGSTAFF and SCOTTSDALE, AZ — Starting Friday June 24, Dark Sky Brewing will showcase a special Yarnell 19 West Coast IPA on draft and in cans in honor of the 10th Anniversary of the 19 Heroes from the Yarnell Hill Fire. All proceeds from this beer will be donated to the Eric Marsh Foundation as well as other Wildland Fire organizations.   zzubreebym

On Thursday, June 30 all day Scottsdale’s Rift Wine + Tap will host a fundraiser for the Eric Marsh Foundation featuring Dark Sky Brewing beers on tap. All beer proceeds will be donated to EMF, and guests will have the chance to win Dark Sky Brewing, Rift merchandise, and other prizes in a raffle that will take place at 7pm. The winner does not need to be present to win.

This event is one of many monthly activities that the brewery’s nonprofit organization Dark Sky Community executes to support causes they care about.

The Eric Marsh Foundation (EMF) is a passion project that supports wildland firefighters and their families in the event of a line of duty death or other trauma; and it’s especially important to Dark Sky Brewing owners Larami & Ryan Sandlin, who grew up in Prescott with some of the firefighters lost in the Yarnell 19 fire. This event marks the exact date 10 years since that fire. Learn more at ericmarshfoundation.org.

Media inquiring about Dark Sky Brewing and Dark Sky Community can contact Emily Hutto at hutto@radcraftbeer.com.


Established in 2014 by Larami and Ryan Sandlin, Dark Sky Brewing has become a downtown Flagstaff institution that builds community through craft beer, food, and philanthropy. Named in honor of its home, in the world's first International Dark Sky Place, Dark Sky Brewing is crafting a beer selection that is as unique and beautiful as every star, meteor, and comet they can see from their backyard. The microbrewery size allows the freedom to brew everything from traditional recipes to experimentally fun brews with exotic ingredients. Committed to making that home a better place by giving back, the Dark Sky Community nonprofit organization was founded out of the brewery to serve as a launching base for other nonprofits to raise more funds and awareness. Learn more about the beers, food, and philanthropy at darkskybrewing.com.

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