Firestone Walker Releasing Gen-7 Double Cold IPA

Render of Gen-7 Double Cold IPA can with text overlay that says "Celebrating 7 Years in Venice Beach, California"

From Firestone Walker:

The Propagator Turns Seven

Each April, we celebrate another year of brewing and good times at The Propagator, our R&D Brewhouse in Venice, with an anniversary beer release. This year, we're marking the occasion with the massively hopped Gen-7 Double Cold IPA (8.7% ABV).

Gen-7 builds on our continuing series of anniversary double IPAs based on the recipe of our original Gen-1 IPA, and it channels the brewing approach and philosophy we've been excited to explore over the past year. Learn more about the beer at our blog.


A can of Gen-7 stands next to a full Craft Master Bowl glass of the beer that features the Gen-7 can art

Snag A Four-Pack

Gen-7 is available now on draft and in 16-ounce four-packs at our Paso Robles, Buellton, and Venice locations. You can also have it shipped straight to your door via our online store.


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