Off Color Adding Stoutling, Beer For Commoners, Beer For Kings, Beer For Bags, Reine Des Renards, Tour de Biere, Beer For Huddles, Plant Club, Barrel Aged Aqua Regia, Eat Pray Mango, Beatrice, Pumpkin Spiced Barrel Aged Beer For Cafès, Double Predator & Juicy Predator

Off Color Adding StoutlingToday I have a new can coming from Off Color Brewing in Chicago, IL.

This is Stoutling and it will be a light stout brewed with flaked barley and Magnum hops. The beer will hit a sessionable 3.17%-AbV as well as 100 calories and 10g carbs per 12oz serving. This is the 16oz can and stay tuned for release details. I’ve also added in Beer For Commoners small beer (4.3%-AbV, 16oz cans), Beer For Kings wheatwine-style ale with Nugget and Nelson Sauvin hops (9%-AbV, 12oz cans), Reine Des Renards Flemish-style blonde ale (8.1%-AbV, 14 IBU, 250ml cans), Beer For Bags malt liquor (6.8%-AbV, 16oz cans), Tour de Biere radler (3.8%-AbV, 16oz cans), Beer For Huddles amber ale (5.2%-AbV, 12oz cans), Plant Club Belgian-style golden ale (6.2%-AbV, 8.5%-AbV), Barrel Aged Aqua Regia English-style barleywine ale aged in Bourbon barrels (9.5%-AbV, 8.5oz cans), Eat Pray Mango ale (5.8%-AbV, 16oz cans), Beatrice foudre-aged wild ale fermented in wine barrels with grape must (9%-AbV, 375ml bottles), Pumpkin Spiced Barrel Aged Beer For Cafès barrel-aged beer with red rooibos tea and spices (5.5%-AbV, 16oz cans), Double Predator imperial farmhouse ale (9%-AbV, 16oz cans) & Juicy Predator DDH farmhouse ale (6.5%-AbV, 16oz cans).  





Off Color Adding Stoutling, Beer For Commoners, Beer For Kings, Beer For Bags, Reine Des Renards & Juicy Predator   



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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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