Upper Hand Brewery Wins Double Gold, Bronze at World Expo of Beer

Upper Hand Brewery Wins Double Gold, Bronze at World Expo of Beer

From Upper Hand:

ESCANABA, MI . – Upper Hand Brewery is proud to announce that three of its beers were awarded medals at the 2022 World Expo of Beer.

UPA® and Sugarbush earned gold in the British Bitter and Alternative Fermentation categories, respectively, while Upper Hand® Light received a bronze medal in the Standard American Beer category.

“UPA is our flagship and firstborn—the first beer we ever brewed way back in 2014,” said Upper Hand Brewery Director, Sam Reese. “It has been a stalwart of our portfolio for almost 8 years, so it’s gratifying to see it continue to take top honors.”

“I’m also so proud to see Sugarbush take home the top prize,” he added. “It’s one of our most popular seasonal brands, and it’s a perfect example of our commitment to brewing quality, approachable, regionally-resonant beers up here in the U.P.”

There were 481 entries in this year’s World Expo of Beer, which is held annually in Frankenmuth, MI. It is Michigan’s largest professional beer competition. Upper Hand Brewery is the only U.P.-based brewery to receive awards at the 2022 event.


Keep it simple with the U.P.’s own light lager. Upper Hand® Light is crisp, crushable, and delicious: all day, any day, and every day.

4.2% alcohol by volume

Available Year-Round – Cans and Draft


Our flagship and firstborn, UPA® is our go-anywhere, do-anything, back-to-basics pale ale. Timeless and traditional, some things are classics for a reason.

5.5% alcohol by volume

Available Year-Round – Cans and Draft


Brewed with 100% U.P. maple syrup sourced from a century-old, family-owned farm, Sugarbush is our subtly sweet, perfect-for-winter red lager.

5.2% alcohol by volume

Available Seasonally (February – April) – Cans and Draft


At Upper Hand® Brewery, we believe that life’s mission is to do what we love, where we love, with the people we love. For us, that means brewing the best beer we can in the best place on Earth: Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula.

Upper Hand® was founded in 2014 by Larry Bell of Bell’s® Brewery, one of Michigan’s oldest, largest, and most celebrated breweries. We like to think of every can of Upper Hand® beer as a love letter to the U.P., brewed by a ragtag crew of hikers, bikers, campers, dog-walkers, anglers, hunters, and outdoor-loving Yoopers who live for getting lost in our own backyard. All 10 million acres of it.

Whether you can’t wait to get back, or you can’t bear to leave: For every iconic U.P. moment, we’re your iconic U.P. beer.

Find Upper Hand® Brewery online at www.upperhandbrewery.com, as well as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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