Gigantic Releasing Ex Novo Collaboration Cobra Fang IPA

From L-R: Scott Guckel, Ben Love, Ryan Buxton, Hudson Fort, Van Havig, Emileigh Valle.

From Gigantic:

Ex Novo Collabo - Cobra Fang IPA

It’s with heavy hearts that we at Gigantic Brewing are announcing the release of Cobra Fang IPA - a collaboration with the late Ryan Buxton of Ex Novo Brewing.  Ryan tragically passed away just days before the scheduled release of this beer, and we’d like to honor his memory by sharing it with the world.  We plan to donate a portion of the sales of this beer to benefit his family and charities of which he was fond.  Out of respect for his family and Ex Novo brewing, we will let them choose to whom and how we donate funds.
Ryan was a father of two boys, a friend and a very good brewer.  A lover of tiki bars and tiki drinks, kickball and the outdoors, Ryan came to Oregon a half dozen years ago and instantly became a beloved and valued member of the Portland brewing community.  We will miss him dearly.
Van would like to say, “Ryan was an Oregon brewer, and fittingly the beer is an IPA – does anything else really matter? I can tell you that he turned us on to the experimental hop 586, which we combined with another thiol rich hop (Strata) to make a lovely beer with notes of blah, blah, blah.  But all I can really think about is that we’re just the brewery that happened to collaborate with him in early May.  Gigantic isn’t special – Ryan was.  I can think of no better tribute to a brewer I respect than to drink a beer that we brewed together.”
Ben would like to say, “I met Ryan a number of years ago when he was at Epic Brewing running their Denver brewery.  From the very first time we met I could see the intense passion Ryan had for his craft.  Literally, you could see the glint in his eyes.  I could also hear it to, he loved to discuss beers and brewing and was endlessly inquisitive.  His passion was palpable. Besides being a genuinely sweet soul and incredibly generous person, Ryan always rocked amazing haircuts and had a unique fashion sense.  I’ll always think of him with the “Richie Tenenbaum” haircut – a wicked mullet, shaved tight on the sides with a rad sweatband, or wearing a sleeveless t, short jean shorts and cowboy boots.  You are a unique soul and I will miss you profoundly.”

Local artist Brad Delay created the Cobra Fang beer label.  He can be found tattooing at Historic Tattoo in SE Portland - not far from the brewery.  He is known for his creations of colorful, traditional tattoos. Check out his work on instagram @bdelay.
Cobra Fang is on tap at both The Brewery and Champagne Lounge (5224 SE 26th Ave) and Robot Room at the Rocket Empire Machine (6935 NE Glisan). You can also look for Cobra Fang on draft and in 16.9oz refillable bottles in the Portland metro area and thoughout Oregon, as well as along the west coast in CA and WA.

Fantastic Voyage Returns!

We are excited to announce the return of our oak barrel aged Brett saison Fantastic Voyage. This particular vintage was slumbering in French oak barrels for a number of years before we saw fit to bottle it. It was then conditioned in the bottles for months until it was ready for release. The finished beer is everything you expect from Fantastic Voyage - complex tropical esters, with a hint of yeasty spice and kick of acidity all delivering a refreshing finish. Available on tap at both locations and in bottles to take home.

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