10 Barrel Brewing May News: Wine, World Beer Cup & Trip Planning QR Codes

10 Barrel Brewing May News: Wine, World Beer Cup & Trip Planning QR Codes

From 10 Barrel:

Wine, what the hell??

Can you imagine? 10 Barrel Wine. What’s that like? Well, pretty good… it's Fun. Ironic. Worth it. 10 Barrel’s Wine (s) are currently available in Oregon, with regions opening up as 10 Barrel wins over distributors. 10 Barrel kicks it off with a Sparkling Rosé and Sparkling White, 13.5% and 12.7% ABV, respectively. As with ALL liquids that have the Bend Brewer’s name slapped on it, the quality and flavor profiles are second to none. While these are multi-varietal concoctions in a can… you might just feel your pinky lift off after your first sip, yep this Wine is that good.

Winner, Winner…

From wine to the world of beer—the World Beer Cup. Tonya Cornett is a legend in PNW brewing circles, but that’s changing. Now she’s turning heads globally. There was only one other brewery to bring home more medals. By our analysis, there is not a single brewer that matched Tonya Cornett’s feat of bringing home three medals from this year’s World Beer Cup. If this isn’t impressive enough, we’ll pad the legend by sharing the 2022 events statistics—the 2022 World Beer Cup produced the largest number of entries ever, with 2,943 breweries presenting 10,542 individual beers from 57 countries. Again, Tonya and 10 Barrel Brewing were able to take home three medals in three different categories.

Gold,  Money Cat, brewer - Tonya Cornett - Contemporary American Lager

Silver,  Brilliant, brewer - Tonya Cornett  -  Field Beer

Bronze, Cucumber Crush, brewer - Tonya Cornett - American Sour Ale10 Barrel Brewing May News: Wine, World Beer Cup & Trip Planning QR Codes

Each can of 10 Barrel’s new Club Tread will feature a QR code that will take beer fans to a trip planning landing page for Angel’s Landing in Utah (subsequent new beers in the series will have new destinations). This landing page will provide travel information, a packing list, and beer pick-up locations. The goal of the new QR Code is to encourage consumers to get outdoors and visit a beautiful destination. The liquid inside the Club Tread can provides a full hop flavor by combining El Dorado and Strata hops. With flavors of mandarin, orange, oats, mango, and pineapple, this fruit-forward IPA is extremely crushable.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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