Russian River Pliny the Younger 2022 Release Postponed

Russian River Pliny the Younger 2022 Postponed

From Russian River:

Not only is Sonoma County experiencing a record-shattering spike in COVID cases and increased hospitalizations, but we are in the midst of our own internal surge. Since the week before Christmas, 20 RRBC employees have tested positive for COVID with several more out sick or in quarantine due to exposure. We, as a company, have never had so many employees out at one time for any reason, including wildfire evacuations. The first week of January 2022, we were forced to close both brewpubs for several days, and the following week offering limited menus and reduced hours due to lack of staffing. This is unprecedented.

On January 12th, Sonoma County issued a new health order banning large gatherings and asking residents to stay at home for the next 30 days. This new health order takes us well into our upcoming Pliny the Younger release. For the past couple of days, I have had conversations with our County Supervisor, the City of Santa Rosa, and contacts at the state Capitol gathering as much information as possible regarding the current situation. Given our own internal staffing struggles along with the latest health order from our County, Vinnie and I made the difficult decision to postpone this year's Pliny the Younger release. For the safety of not only our employees but our community at large, this was the only responsible and logical choice to make given all of these contributing factors.

NEW Release Date:
This year's Pliny the Younger will be released at both our Santa Rosa and Windsor brewpubs on draft and in bottles March 25th-April 7th, 2022! Perhaps these new dates will end up providing better weather and a more enjoyable Younger experience. It is a beautiful time here in Sonoma County with Spring flowers and a new vintage coming to life in the vineyards!

Traveling from out of the area:
We greatly apologize for any inconvenience to anyone who has already booked flights and made hotel reservations. So far, we have confirmed with most of the hotels with special Younger rates that they will honor the new dates. If you booked hotel rooms, please reach out to the hotels to reschedule. New hotel links coming soon… please check back!

Draft Distribution:
Although we are disappointed with having to postpone our onsite release, we also have good news to share!  All of the beer we brewed the first week of January will be kegged in February for distribution to our wholesale accounts beginning the week of February 7th. So, there is still a chance to drink Younger at many of our RRBC draft accounts in California, Oregon, Colorado and Philadelphia!  Bottles will not be available for distribution.
Stay informed with the latest details on our website

Thank you, and be safe!
Natalie and Vinnie Cilurzo

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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