Prairie Artisan Ales Releasing Moscow Mule, Pink Guava Funk, Cocoa Berry & You Gotta Horchata In Jan

Prairie Artisan Ales Releasing Moscow Mule, Pink Guava Funk, Cocoa Berry & You Gotta Horchata In Jan

From Prairie:

The first release of 2020 will be our first ever hard seltzer – Moscow Mule. It rides an 8.7% ABV, so we’re calling it a DOUBLE HARD seltzer. It’s an incredibly hard seltzer. We first released a test batch of it at Prairie OKC and got overwhelmingly positive feedback. Here are a few of the comments:

“Wow, it tastes just like a Moscow Mule. I’ve never felt love like this before.”

“This is double as hard as other hard seltzers I’ve enjoyed.”Prairie Artisan Ales Releasing Moscow Mule, Pink Guava Funk, Cocoa Berry & You Gotta Horchata In Jan

Pink Guava Funk is also back and shipping out in January, you sweet idiots. We already know you love this one, so we updated the label a little bit and are making a whole lot of it. We’ll have it on the shelves throughout the beginning of the year—including in our mixed sour packs!

Wow, two more, okay.
Keep your eyes open for another imperial pastry sour – Cocoa Berry! This will have a similar ABV and price as Millennial Mansion – which we released back in October, and you drank it all. Cocoa Berry contains a barrage of citrus fruit, with raspberries, blueberries, toasted marshmallow (because hell yeah it does), and cacao nibs. Should be an absolute party in a 12oz can!Prairie Artisan Ales Releasing Moscow Mule, Pink Guava Funk, Cocoa Berry & You Gotta Horchata In Jan

Okay and I swear this is the last one, but we also really wanted to release a new imperial stout because that is extremely our vibe. You Gotta Horchata is a milk stout with cinnamon and vanilla. We made a small batch of this last year with our friends at The Open Bottle in Chicago—and it was delicious as hell, so we decided to share it with everyone who wants some!Prairie Artisan Ales Releasing Moscow Mule, Pink Guava Funk, Cocoa Berry & You Gotta Horchata In Jan

I could tell you what we’re releasing in February too, but I don’t feel like it.

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