Everyone is Welcome at New Rebel Mettle Brewery

Everyone is Welcome at New Rebel Mettle Brewery


From Rebel Mettle:

CINCINNATI, OH – Rebel Mettle, the first craft brewery in Cincinnati’s Central Business District in nearly 20 years, is now open. The brewery and pub, founded by U.S. Air Force veteran Michael Brown, is located at 412 Central Ave. in the Historic West Fourth district. Rebel Mettle operators chose the location based on its proximity to sports
stadiums, the music venue at The Banks, convention visitors, and its diverse neighbors.

“Rebel Mettle is focused on our love of lager and love of community,” said Mr. Brown. Above our doors, you will find signs that read, ‘Everyone is Welcome.’ We’ve created a warm,
authentic and hospitable environment that celebrates opportunity, justice and freedom.”

While many craft brewers focus on popular India Pale Ales, more than 75% of Rebel Mettle’s offerings are lagers. Often an entry point for new beer drinkers, lagers can be slightly malty
while having a light taste. Popular American examples include Budweiser, Coors and Yuengling. Rebel Mettle’s flagship beers will be a light lager, an Indian Pale Lager and a
strong Schwarzbier dark lager.

Downtown Cincinnati’s E+O New Asian restaurant provides food to Rebel Mettle via delivery. Brewery guests place orders using mobile phones.

With Ohio’s mandatory 10 p.m. last call, Rebel Mettle is open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. The brewery adheres strictly to all state and local Covid-19 protocols, including mandates for masks and physical distancing.

Welcome Rebel Mettle Beers into Your Home

Delivery & curbside pick-up now available from veteran-owned downtown Cincinnati brewpub

CINCINNATI (For Immediate Release) – Rebel Mettle brewpub is now offering delivery and curbside pick-up of its beers. All are available in crowlers, growlers, howlers and kegs, and may be ordered at rebelmettlebrewery.com. Curbside pick-up and carry-out are available during Rebel Mettle tap room hours. All deliveries, with a $40 order minimum, will be made on Saturdays. Guests must be 21 to order and purchase beer. IDs are required at time of pick-up and delivery.
“Rebel Mettle opened during a unique moment in history and we’re working to find new ways to welcome and reach our communities,” said Michael Brown, founder of Rebel Mettle. “We welcome you into our home – and are eager to be welcomed into yours.”

Half keg




One-sixth keg

Rebel Mettle, the first craft brewery in Cincinnati’s Central Business District in nearly 20 years, opened in September of 2020. The brewery and pub, founded by U.S. Air Force veteran Michael Brown, is located at 412 Central Ave. in the Historic West Fourth district. Rebel Mettle operators chose the location based on its proximity to sports stadiums, the music venue at The Banks, convention visitors, and its diverse neighbors.

While many craft brewers focus on popular India Pale Ales, more than 75% of Rebel Mettle’s offerings are lagers. Often an entry point for new beer drinkers, lagers can be slightly malty while having a light taste. Popular American examples include Budweiser, Coors and Yuengling. Rebel Mettle’s flagship beers are a light lager, an India Pale Lager and a strong dark lager.

With Ohio’s mandatory 10 p.m. last call, Rebel Mettle is open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. The brewery adheres strictly to all state and local Covid-19 protocols, including mandates for masks and physical distancing.

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Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2024 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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