Hi-Wire Brewing Announces Australian Bushfire Relief Fundraising Event

Hi-Wire Brewing Announces Australian Bushfire Relief Fundraising EventFrom Hi-Wire Brewing:

ASHEVILLE, NC  — Feb. 3, 2020 — Beer is good. And beer that does good is even better. That’s why on Friday, Feb. 7, Hi-Wire Brewing is donating 100% of proceeds from every glass of Strongman Coffee Milk Stout to support the strong men and women in Australia who are working to fight fires, repair homes, heal people, and rescue wildlife from the devastating bushfires that have been raging across the continent over the past few months. Nearly 25 million acres – an area a little smaller than the state of Tennessee – have been burned and more than a billion animals have been killed in these fires, but unfortunately, they’re not yet fully extinguished. Shocked and heartbroken, Hi-Wire wanted to do its part to provide relief, so it joined forces with 10+ North American breweries for the #BEERFORBUSHFIRERELIEF event coordinated by Brunswick Beer Collective out of Australia. All four Hi-Wire Brewing taprooms – Asheville Big Top, Asheville South Slope, Durham, and Knoxville – will be participating in the event, and donations raised will be distributed evenly between the Australian Red Cross and Wildlife Victoria.

Hi-Wire believes that impacting its community and world goes far beyond simply producing great beer. The Asheville-based brewery strives to be a positive force by supporting causes like Manna Food Bank, Friends of the Smokies, Green Built Alliance, and Pink Boots Society along with many other important initiatives. With the help of its amazing fans, Hi-Wire Brewing was able to donate $17,644.84 in 2019 through a combination of non-profit taproom nights, sponsorships, beer donations, and event space donations. Hi-Wire’s donations total nearly $60,000 since opening in 2013.

About Hi-Wire Brewing

Hi-Wire Brewing is known for producing approachable and balanced lagers and ales, most notably Hi-Pitch Mosaic IPA, Lo-Pitch Juicy IPA, and Bed of Nails Brown, and it boasts an award-winning sour and wild ale program. Founded in Asheville, North Carolina, in 2013, Hi-Wire now has two locations in Asheville – the Big Top Production Facility, Taproom & Event Space and the South Slope Specialty Brewery & Taproom – along with a third taproom in Durham, North Carolina, and its first out-of-state taproom in Knoxville, Tennessee. Hi-Wire Brewing’s Great American Beer Festival and World Beer Cup award-winning beers can be found on draft and in cans across North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Alabama. To learn more about the company, visit hiwirebrewing.com.

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