Aspen Brewing Sold To Legacy Breweries (Ninkasi / Laurelwood)

Aspen Brewing Sold To Legacy BreweriesFrom Aspen Daily News:

Legacy Breweries Inc. announced the deal on Thursday that, according to Aspen Brewing Co. founder Duncan Clauss, has been about six months in the making. The sale includes all Aspen Brewing Co.’s assets, though it will maintain its name and continue to be based and produced in Aspen.

Legacy, which debuted last spring with its purchase of Eugene, Ore.-based Ninkasi Brewing Co., focuses on “aspirational” properties that are distinct in their markets, according to CEO Don Bryant, who is based in Evergreen. Aspen Brewing, which started here in 2008, fit the bill and is among the second group of acquisitions announced by Legacy. Other companies bought by the group that were also announced Thursday include the Laurelwood Brewing Co. of Portland.

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