Rainier & Aslan Collaborate On King Of The Mountain Pilsner

From Rainier & Aslan:
SEATTLE, WA  – Whether you grew up in the shadows of Mt. Rainier and Mt. Baker, or you’re new to thePacific Northwest, the Mt. Baker Legendary Banked Slalom (LBS) is one of the iconic events in ourregion. Now in its 33rd year, the world-renowned LBS is the oldest single-venue snowboard competition inthe world, bringing together hundreds of the world’s top riders each year from all generations to competehead to head and reunite with the rest of the snowboard community. It’s a throwback to the roots of thesport, when fun and friends were all that mattered.

This year, to celebrate the legendary race and have a bit of fun together, Rainier Brewing Co. and AslanBrewing Co. have joined forces to create King of the Mountain, a limited release pilsner benefittingProtect Our Winters (POW) and available in 6-pack cans and draft starting February 8. The name of thebeer is a playful nod to the event itself as well as to the two partnering breweries. The Aslan logo is a lion(the king of the jungle), and Rainier Beer is named after the mountain.
“We are excited to partner with an up-and-coming brewery like Aslan,” said Michael Scott, Brand
Manager at Rainier Brewing Co. “We really appreciate that Aslan is not only making innovative beers butcreating great pubs that bring people together and foster community, while having a lot of fun doing it.”The collaboration brew will be available throughout the weekend on Mt. Baker, at participating area bars,and at both Aslan locations in Bellingham (until supplies last). Five percent of the beer’s total sales will goto support Protect Our Winters (POW), an organization of winter athletes and forward-thinking businessleaders working toward systemic political solutions to climate change.
“We're extremely honored to be collaborating with Rainier and partnering with POW on this project. Thisis a great opportunity for us to raise funds and awareness for POW while bringing friends together tocelebrate,” said Boe Trosset, Co-Owner of Aslan. “Like many folks from the Pacific Northwest we grew updrinking Rainier, still do, and have fond memories of the commercials and brewing culture they helpeddevelop. The truth is, we've had a Rainier neon bar sign in our brewery ever since it was a 5-gallonhomebrew set up in my parents' basement.””
The weekend-long celebration will culminate in a co-sponsored Wrap Party at Graham’s Restaurant inGlacier, WA on Sunday February 10th from 6p until late. The party is open to the public with live musicand lots of Rainier and Aslan beer, including a chance to try King Of The Mountain.

About Rainier
Rainier is a symbol of home and happiness for millions of people living the Pacific Northwest lifestyle.Whether you are a life-long resident of the region, or a new transplant, Rainier is a symbol of thepioneering, outdoor loving and fun Northwest spirit that lives on stronger than ever today. Rainier can befound in stores, restaurants and bars throughout the West. First brewed in Seattle in 1878, RainierBrewing Company (originally Seattle Brewing and Malting Company) is known for its partnerships withlocal organizations that share its passion for preserving the outdoors and the traditions of the Northwest,including the Arbor Day Foundation and the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI). In 1954, the iconic“R” was raised on top of the company’s brewery in Seattle, cementing it as a Seattle staple, but it was thelight-hearted and fun commercials of the 1970’s and 80’s that made the brand into a Pacific Northwesticon. In 2016 Rainier Beer won the prestigious World Beer Cup, where it bested 81 other entrants in theAmerican-Style Lager category. For more information about Rainier Brewing Company, visit
About Aslan Brewing Co.
100% organic brew. Pushing the boundaries of craft beer while preserving the purity of brewing tradition.
Pride of the Organic Northwest. Certified B Corp.
About Protect Our Winters
Protect Our Winters (POW) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Founded by professional snowboarder Jeremy Jonesin 2007, POW turns passionate outdoor people into effective climate advocates. POW leads a communityof athletes, thought pioneers and forward-thinking business leaders to affect systemic political solutions to climate change.
About The Legendary Banked Slalom
The Legendary Banked Slalom (LBS), is a snowboarding contest held annually since 1985 at Mt. BakerSki Area, in Washington State. The LBS is regarded as the predecessor to the modern boardercrossevent, and has been won by some of the biggest names in the history of snowboarding.

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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