Hill Farmstead Releasing Aaron 9/5

Hill Farmstead Releasing Aaron 9/5From Hill Farmstead:

On Weds., Sept., 5, we are pleased to release a new batch of our bourbon barrel-aged barleywine, Aaron!

Aaron A. Hill (1785-1869) was our great-great-great grandfather who operated the original tavern in North Greensboro-an industrious, inventive and indomitable figure in the community. The Hill Farmstead Brewery logo is based upon that tavern’s original sign. In his honor, we crafted this barleywine, which has rested, unhurriedly and undisturbed, for over two years in bourbon barrels from some of our favorite distilleries, absorbing the essence of its surroundings and history.

Please visit our bottle release page, http://hillfarmstead.com/bottle-release, for bottle limits and pricing information (credit card and matching ID required for this bottle).

We will also offer fresh cans of Society & Solitude #6 as well as a brand new iteration of Difference & Repetition: Enigma, Mosaic®, and Simcoe®!

Visit our retail page for updated offerings in draft, bottles, cans and more.

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