Sprecher Wins 3 Silver Medals at US Open Beer Championship

Sprecher Wins 3 Silver Medals at US Open Beer ChampionshipFrom Sprecher:

Glendale, WI - Sprecher Brewing Company won three (3) silver medals -- the most medals of any Wisconsin brewery -- at the 2018 U.S. Open Beer Championship, the only competition to include professional breweries and award-winning home-brewers. This year brewers from around the world sent
more than 6,300 beers representing 110 different styles to the competition.

Silver Medalists:
 Dubbel, Belgian Dubbel
 XII, Belgian Quadruple
 Commando, Wood/Barrel Aged Scotch Ale

“We’ve done well in competitions this year, and I’m pleased about the recognition we’ve received. Everyone in this industry knows it’s easy to make a good batch of beer once or twice, but it’s hard to make consistently good beer on a large scale. Our brewmaster keeps producing excellent beer in a variety
of styles. The 2018 USOBC medals won among tough competition attest to that,” said Sprecher CEO and founder Randy Sprecher. “I’d also like to congratulate the other Wisconsin breweries that won awards in this competition. Well deserved.”

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