Wild Heaven Bartender Alleges Sexual Assault By Friend Of Owner

A Wild heaven bartender is alleging he was sexually assaulted Saturday night by a friend of Owner Nick Purdy.  The video above comes from the facebook page of Dedrick Flynn. This is from Dedrick Flynn:

Yesterday at my job at Wild Heaven Brewery I was sexaully assaulted by the owner Nick Purdy's friend scott. he will not give me his full name to make a police report. His friend Scott walked up me grab me by my privates and said "sorry I was trying to grab your @$$". I did become furious and demand he leave and one of investors told me that "he would leave in a minute". My company @wildheavenbeer does not have a way to document sexual harassment nor did my owner have any paper work ready to legally get the ball moving. Where is a black man safe, honestly where is someone safe from these actions. Wild Heaven owner nick purdy who also owns paste magazine does not care about his employees but his friends. STOP BUYING WILD HEAVEN BEER WHO IS FAMOUS FOR THIER EMERGENCY DRINKING BEER! KEEP SHARING!! Wild Heaven Beerhttps://www.facebook.com/beerwildheaven/

imageBelow is the response from Wild Heaven:

Statement from Wild Heaven: Yesterday an incident in our taproom was reported to us by one of our bartenders. This situation is being addressed to protect the safety of our valued employees. Situations like this are not taken lightly. After gathering information, we reported this incident to the Avondale Estates Police Department this morning for further investigation.

Wild Heaven Beer absolutely does not tolerate any action that would create an unsafe or unwelcoming environment for any of our staff or taproom guests. We are furious with regards to an incident that took place on Saturday and upon learning of it, took immediate steps to gather information and understand the situation, including banning the person in question to ensure safety for all involved and submission of a police report the following morning. Due to their ongoing investigation, the police asked us to refrain from further comment. We support our employee, and all employees of Wild Heaven and will continue to do all that we can to assist.

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